4 things your dentist won't tell you about dental fillings, but you should know 

A dental filling is the most commonly performed treatment in a dental office. Unfortunately, statistics in Romania show that the majority of people neglect their dental health and oral hygiene.

  • 75% of children between the ages of 5 and 13 have cavities in their baby teeth.
  • Approximately 80-95% of the population in Romania suffers from a dental condition

Romania is among the last in Europe when it comes to the budget allocated for oral health.(according to oralhealthplatform)

Dental fillings or composite aesthetic restorations are an excellent choice for repairing cavities or aesthetically restoring damaged teeth. They are made of a mixture of resin and glass or ceramic particles, which look natural and are strong. However, there are some things that dentists usually don't tell you about composite dental fillings.

Here are 4 things you should know!

1. Composite fillings are not the most durable option for treating cavities

Although composite fillings are strong, they are not as durable as amalgam fillings or ceramic/zirconia/gold inlays or onlays. The lifespan of a composite filling is usually 5-7 years, while amalgam fillings can last up to 15 years or even longer. However, amalgam is a material that is banned in many countries in Europe because it contains mercury, which is toxic and potentially carcinogenic.

Onlays and inlays, on the other hand, are prosthetic works made of ceramic or zirconia, which are 100% biocompatible and aesthetically pleasing, and have a lifespan of approximately 15 years or even longer.

Obturatie de compozit     –                    Amalgam               –            Inlay din ceramica          –        inlay din aur
plomba dentara decolorata

2.Composite fillings can stain and discolor over time.

Dental fillings made of composite can stain and discolor over time, especially if the patient drinks coffeetea or other dark-colored beverages. Additionally, they can discolor over time because of smoking.

If you want to keep your fillings beautiful and aesthetic, it is best to avoid consuming strongly colored foods and beverages or quit smoking, and of course, to have impeccable oral hygiene. Alternatively, you can visit the dental clinic more often - 3-4 times a year - for a professional cleaning and air-flow performed by the dentist. We recommend this especially if you have fillings on your front teeth (incisors, canines, premolars).

3. Performing a composite filling requires a lot of skill and time.

Although dental fillings for treating cavities are the most common dental treatment, it is not easy to perform. There are different techniques for filling cavities and considerable experience is required to create aesthetic and durable fillings over time.  

  • The affected tooth must be isolated with a dental dam to maintain hygiene, then the decayed tissue must be carefully cleaned so that it is completely removed without affecting healthy tissues.
  • After this step, the dentist will apply various medications and substances - etching, priming, bonding - to protect the dental pulp and prepare the cavity for the filling.
  • The composite material will be inserted into several layers or sections, which will be hardened using a curing light.
  • After the filling process is complete, the dentist will polish and adjust the filling to ensure proper bite alignment. The filled tooth should have the same anatomical shape as a natural tooth and should not create pressure or discomfort.        

Indeed, the quality of a dental filling depends not only on the skill of the dentist who performed it, but also on the quality of the materials used and the use of a dental microscope during the treatment.

4.Composite fillings can shrink over time.

The composite material, in its initial state, is flexible and soft because it needs to be placed and condensed into the prepared cavity. The soft composite is hardened by ultraviolet light irradiation. However, the hardening process causes the material to "shrink," and thus the filling is easily removed from the walls of the prepared cavity, leading to micro-cracks that are invisible to the naked eye. This will allow microorganisms, saliva, and food particles to infiltrate into those microscopic cavities, leading to:

  • Degradation
  • secondary caries
  • sensitivity
plomba compozit micsorata

During the periodic checkup the dentist can detect these compromised fillings and often say that "the filling is leaking". Secondary caries are clearly visible on dental radiographs..      

At Platinum Dental Center in Cluj, the dentists use several materials and techniques to perform aesthetic and durable fillings:

  • materials that are the best quality
  • dental microscope
  • special techniques - knowledge and experience acquired at specialized courses both in the country and abroad.

In conclusion, composite dental fillings are an excellent choice for restoring damaged teeth or treating cavities. However, they do have some disadvantages, which can be countered with advanced filling techniques and the use of high-quality materials. Nonetheless, dental fillings require proper care and maintenance to last long and look great.

If you are worried about composite fillings or if you want to know if they are suitable for treating your dental problems, we warmly welcome you to a consultation at our clinic in Cluj. Book an Appointment Today!