The 5 most common dental surgeries

Often, when a dentist mentions dental surgery, he/she experiences panic and fear coming from patients. The general notion is that dental surgery is a painful and expensive procedure. But this idea is outdated and wrong, because the field of surgery has advanced a lot in recent years and patient comfort has become a priority. Dental surgery is considered an outpatient procedure and, in general, patients can resume their normal activity in a few days.

Dental surgery procedures performed at Platinum Dental Center:

Oral surgery involves procedures that can be simple or complicated, both of them can solved with great precision and experience by dentists. At our clinic we can perform a very wide range of surgical procedures from the common extraction, to apical resection to implants or excision of tumor formations. All surgeries are performed by specialists, who have graduated from many courses in the field of surgery and implantology. 

instrumente de chirurgie dentara

 It is worth mentioning that every dental surgery procedure starts with anesthesia, in our case digital anesthesia (computerized) which offers a state of comfort to the patient by the fact that it is practically painless. The gum is anesthetized before the extremely thin needle enters the tissue, and the administration of the anesthetic is electronically controlled to be perfectly uniform and not to cause discomfort.

What does an atraumatic extraction entail?

→ it involves the removal of a tooth decayed or destroyed by infections that can no longer be saved. It is usually removed when the tooth or molar can no longer be saved by canal treatment or fillings. The technique of atraumatic extraction involves a series of small interventions, which avoid trauma to the surrounding tissues so that the structure of the aveolar bone is prepared for a possible dental implant. The technique requires a lot of patience and dexterity from the doctor.

You can find more information about the extraction of wisdom teeth here.

What is apical resection and root amputation ?

apical resection or apicoectomy means the removal of the root tip and the curettage of the necrotic periapical lesions and cysts, and subsequently, the sealing of the root canal. It is indicated when an infection develops at the root of the tooth that is located in the bone over time and can spread to other teeth or perforate the bone mass, resulting in fistulas.

It should be noted that although apical resection is an invasive surgical procedure, it is effective when there is no other solution to save a mass. Basically, the alternative to this procedure is tooth extraction.

radicular amputation  is a method of dental surgery by which only one of the roots of a molar is removed, which cannot be saved by root canal treatment.

amputatie radiculara

The dentist may recommend a root amputation in the following cases:

  • dental or root fractures;
  • caries-destroyed root;
  • alveolar bone resorption (loss of bone mass around the tooth)
  • major bacterial infection of one of the roots of a molar

It is important that a tooth with root amputation to be covered with a crown, otherwise there is a risk of fracture of the fragile tooth, which will have to be extracted. We recommend that, before any surgery, discuss with your doctor the 7 questions in in this post.

What does sinus lifting and bone augmentation involve and in what situations?

The following 3 situations are the most common, which require sinus lifting and bone augmentation.

following tooth loss in the upper jaw, in the sinus area, the alveolar bone is resorbed and over time will decrease both its height and width. The sinus goes down and enlarges which makes it impossible to insert implants in that area. These changes can occur in a few months. 

in case of recurrent inflammation of the sinuses, called chronic sinusitis, can lead to bone resorption, which will lead to the need for a sinus lifting.

there are patients with genetic disorders who have enlarged sinuses.

In these cases, they usually recommend the procedure of sinus lifting, ie the lifting of the membrane of the maxillary sinus, to make room for the bone graft, after which the graft of autologous bone, natural bone of animal origin or synthetic bone is added in this cavity in order to prepare the bone support for implants.

This dental surgery procedure requires great care and skill in order not to damage or break the sinus membrane. After the operation, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwashes and will recommend some indications that must be taken into account for a quick and painless recovery.

What is the application of a dental implant?

implant dentar - chirurgie dentara

Implantology is the surgical specialty in which titanium or zirconium screws are inserted into the maxillary bone, which, once osseointegrated, will be able to support an artificial tooth that takes over the functionality of a natural tooth.

As in other cases of surgical procedures, the insertion of an implant begins with anesthesia, which means that together with the high quality technology and the experience of the implantologist, practically all the intervention will be painless.

Let's not forget to mention gingival plastic surgery

The gingival line may be asymmetrical or irregular, or the patient may have a "gingival smile", giving an unsightly appearance to the face. To correct these problems, it is recommended to remodel and reshape these tissues: gum lift, gingivoplasty, gingivectomy, frenectomy, etc. Coronary lengthening surgery can be performed in order to make other restorative or cosmetic procedures possible, such as it would be the case of a caries with deep subgingival evolution. Gum retraction can have a variety of causes, including periodontal disease. Various mucogingival surgery techniques can cover exposed root areas with thickening of soft tissues.